The Accreditation Process
1. Apply for Candidacy for Accreditation. When a school believes they are reasonably moving towards meeting NISAC’s “Standards for Accreditation,” they may apply for Candidacy for Accreditation. Candidacy is required prior to applying for full accreditation.
2. Schedule a candidacy visitation. A candidacy visitation is scheduled in order to meet with school administration and staff, to verify the application information, identify commendations and recommendations for pursuing full accreditation.
3. Apply for Accreditation. After working through any recommendations, a school may apply for accreditation after their first year as a Candidate. A self-study is required for the school to detail who they are, how they function and areas for improvement. A visitation committee is then scheduled to come and confirm the self-study, identifying commendations and recommendations. The accreditation board reviews the findings of the visitation committee and determines eligibility and terms for accreditation. Once accepted, a school works through the self-study/visitation committee process for a new term of accreditation.
NISAC’s Guidelines for Operation, Standards for Accreditation, and application are available upon request.
Terms of Accreditation
1. Candidate for Accreditation
To become a Candidate, a school submits an application, fee, and participates in a review by a visitation committee. Providing the institution meets minimum standards, the school will become a Candidate. Candidacy terms require an annual report and expires at the end of three years.
2. Accreditation
Full accreditation may be applied for after a first year as a Candidate. Application, fee, a Self-study, and a visitation committee are important parts of the process. Terms may be granted for periods from one to six years.